Bières Bio

      38 products

      38 products

      Beer Zinnebir 5.8% 24x33cl Senne | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Bruxelles en stock

      Zinnebir is a perfectly balanced Pale Ale, with a golden color slightly tending to amber. It develops fruity and hoppy aromas reminiscent of dried apricot and orange marmalade. They are supported by malted notes very slight biscuity, as well as by a beautiful bitterness.

      When you pour Zinnebir into your beer glass, on top of the beautiful golden and orange colour lies a velvety white foam. The word balance is the key for this beer. The body of the beer is perfect, not too full or light. There is an equilibrium between the hops and malt. You have the flavours from de la Sennes' own yeast that are balanced out with the maltiness. Everything in the beer works well together. The profile is spicy, zesty, herbal and floral. The German and Slovenian noble hops give it the needed bitterness. In the mouth, you may even notice a bit of pineapple and honey. 

      It is a perfect thirst-quenching beer!

      The story of Zinnebir

      Get ready to discover the story of Zinnebir as it is unlike any beer that came out of thirst or experimentation. 

      Zinnebir is brewed by Bernard Leboucq and Yvan De Baets, two Brussels-based brewers and founders of de la Senne brewery. One was a homebrewer and another a social worker. The brewers first had a microbrewery in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, which then became too small for them to truly express themselves. Thus, they moved to Brussels and opened a brewery in 2010 in a converted bread factory. Both brewers had already long thought about creating an iconic beer for Brussels city. 

      After planning, the brewers agreed to brew a beer for the annual Zinneke parade in 2002. The parade is a celebration of Brussels’ cosmopolitan spirit. This is how Zinnebir was born. The two beer brewers did not have their brewery back then, so the beer was brewed in a basement.

      The beer name came after the Zinneke parade and also the Senne river that flows through Brussels. The Dutch part calls the river la Zenne but also Zenneke, which means little Zenne. Sometimes even the people of Brussels are called Zinnekes. 

      The brewers worked on perfecting the beer throughout the years to arrive at the flawless product that it is now. They changed the raw ingredients to achieve the perfect balance between hop, malt, spiciness and fruitiness. The brewers intended to make a beer that can be drunk a lot. Thus, the alcohol content is 5.8%. And of course, the beer is brewed in an artisanal way without any additives. 

      We can now say that de la Senne brewery has accomplished its mission and Zinnebir is a beer of Brussels and the people of Brussels. The beer flavour reflects the cosmopolitan atmosphere of Brussels, but like all the ingredients, flavours and tastes of the Zinnebir, the different cultures and people of Brussels live together in a perfect balance. 

      Not only has Zinnebir made its name as the beer of Brussels, but the beer and the brewery also acted as a role models for other brewers. The brewery had a huge influence on the craft beer movement in the city and many people followed their footsteps, which brought Brussels other amazing craft beer breweries like the Brussels Beer Project, No Science, Beerstorming and many others. 

      Lastly, the beer is the flagship beer of the brewery and their best seller. The locals can also ask for Zinnebir in any beer bar they visit. We can confirm the Zinnebir popularity, as some of our clients even order a whole beer box of Zinnebir regularly. No one can get enough of that beer! 

      What else is there to know about Zinnebir?

      • Where is Zinnebir beer brewed? 

      Though the brewing process started in a basement, Zinnebir has now moved to de la Senne brewery, which is located in Brussels near the cultural space Tour & Taxis. 

      • What does the Zinnebir beer label mean?

      The Zinnebir label illustrates the Brussels city skyline, the buildings and the Senne river flowing through the city with a big bright sun behind it all. The label uses warm and happy colours such as yellow and green. It gives you a feeling like Brussels is a calm, orderly city, though there can be some crazy traffic and full of vibrant events. Despite the messiness, it all still functions in harmony. 

      zinnebir etiquette
      Photo: Brasserie de la Senne
      • How to serve Zinnebir and which beer glass to use?

      Zinnebir is best served in a tulip beer glass, which helps to release the exciting aromas that the beer has. The minimum serving temperature is 5 degrees celsius. 

      • What are the ingredients of Zinnebir?

      The Zinnebir ingredients are water, hops, yeast, barley malt, and fermentable sugar.

      • What food goes well with Zinnebir?

      Zinnebir beer goes very well with cheese platters or cheesy dishes. It is especially good with creamy cheeses like cottage cheese or goat cheese. The bitterness of the beer and the creaminess of the cheese make a perfect match. Zinnebir also goes well with seafood. 

      • What are the other beers by de la Senne brewery?

      Some people argue that Zinnebir is not even the best beer in the brewery and favour the younger sister, Taras Boulba. The beer has a similar fruity and spicy taste, but more bitterness and it is an easy to drink beer with lower alcohol content. In the end, it is a question of personal taste. After all, without Zinnebir, there would not be a Taras Boulba. The brewers needed a change from Zinnebir and something lighter to drink.  

      Besides Taras Boulba, the brewery also has other famous beers like the Jambe de Bois, Bruxellensis, Stouterik and Saison du Meyboom


      Photo: Brasserie de la Senne

      Thirsty for Zinnebir? Then don’t hesitate and add the beer to the cart. Or even get a full beer box like some of our clients do! You may also find Zinnebir in our beer subscription boxes and discover it next to many other delicious beers. 

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      Beer Taras Boulba 4.5% 24x33cl Senne | Session IPA
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles en stock IPA

      Taras Boulba is a light lager, generously hopped with the finest aromatic hops, giving it a very refreshing character and a fragrance reminiscent of citrus. The nose offers delicate aromas of spices, malt, hops and lemon. You can even smell slight notes of cookies, caramel and a bit of vanilla. Taras Boulba has a blonde colour with white foam. In the mouth, you can feel the bitterness present. You can also taste notes of caramel and lemon. It is a beer full of character but also thirst-quenching and refreshing. The finale of the beer is dry. 

      Though Taras Boulba has now become many people's favourite beer, it had a rough start. First, Taras Boulba beer was created only for the brewers and their friends. The brewers claimed that they were only drinking their other famous beer, the Zinnebir, and they needed something lighter. Thus, Taras Boulba was born. After only drinking it by themselves, the brewers decided to start selling Taras Boulba locally. The problem was that the bitter beers had not yet made their name in Belgium. Only De Ranke brewery, whose niche is bitter beers, was in the market. The brewers had to fight hard and talk a lot with local beer bars and pubs to get their beer out. Finally, their beer has not only become popular locally but also internationally. 

      Like Taras Boulba, all the beers of brewery de la Senne are brewed in a traditional way: unfiltered, unpasteurized and without additives.

      Taras Boulba is also the favourite beer of Beercrush creator Florian. 


      History and origin of the Taras Boulba beer name. 


      The name Taras Boulba refers to a novel written by Nikolai Gogol. The novel is the story of Taras Boulba, who goes with his two sons to war against the Polish. One of the sons is in love with a Polish girl. The son helps the girl get some food during the war. Once Taras finds out about this, he kills his son. The brewers use this as a reference to the struggle between Flemings and Walloons in Belgium. 


      Want to know more about Taras Boulba beer? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions answered:


      • What does the Taras Boulba beer label mean?

      The Taras Boulba beer label is also related to the novel by Nikolai Gogol. On the label, you can see two men in front of a circus. A father and a son. The father is angry and holding a big barrel above his head, ready to throw it at his son while yelling "Smeirlap!". There is a comment on the label in the Brussels dialect. The comment states: "Behold, Taras Boulba is furiously angry. His son has married a Walloon!" The label is an interpretation of the novel, but with a Belgian twist reflecting the complicated relationship between Walloons and Flemings. 

      taras boulba biere

      • Where is Taras Boulba beer brewed?

      Brewery de la Senne is located in Brussels near Tour & Taxis between Laeken and Molenbeek neighbourhood. Tour & Taxis is an old industrial site made up mostly of warehouses that now has been turned into a cultural site. Brewery de la Senne has their brewing spot and a bar there. You are always welcome to degustate their beers.

      • What are the ingredients of Taras Boulba beer?

      Taras Boulba is made of water, malted barley, noble hops, yeast and fermentable sugar. 

      • How to serve Taras Boulba beer?

      It is best to use a tulip-shaped beer glass for serving Taras Boulba beer. The tulip-shaped glass is perfect for IPA beers or hoppy beers as it allows the drinker to swirl the beer around the glass and release the full aromas. The ideal serving temperature is 5 degrees celsius. 

      • What are other similar beers to Taras Boulba?

      If you like hoppy beers, you should see our IPA beer collection. 

      • Is Taras Boulba gluten-free?

      No, Taras Boulba is not gluten-free. You can find a large variety of gluten-free beers available from brasserie 28

      • What are some other beers brewed by la Senne brewery?

      Some other famous craft beers by the Senne brewery are Zinnebir, Bruxellensis, Jambe de Bois, Stouterik and Saison du Meyboom, among many others.

      taras boulba

      Photo : brasserie de la Senne.


      Want to buy Taras Boulba beer online? All you need to do is add the beer to the cart! You may also find Taras Boulba in our Belgian or Brussels beer boxes or in our monthly beer subscription boxes. 

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      Beer Bicyclette 4.8% 24x33cl DrinkDrink | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Bruxelles

      La Bicyclette is quite light and brewed with American hops and rye.

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      Beer Bmx Ipa 7.2% 24x33cl DrinkDrink | IPA
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles

      BMX IPA is brewed with Pacific gem, Citra and Chinook hops.

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      Beer Jambe De Bois 8% 24x33cl Senne | Triple
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles

      Jambe-de-Bois is balanced but generously hopped Triple. It is a powerful and full-bodied beer and most likely the bitterest Triple beer in Belgium. 

      When you pour Jambe de Bois into your beer glass, you’ll notice a beautiful blonde colour beer with golden reflections filling the glass. It has a creamy, firm, white head. 

      On the nose, the hops aromas dominate but are accompanied by orange, citrus, grass and banana. You will also notice the aromas of fermentation and another fruity aroma that resembles a pear. The floral, honeyed sweetness of malts and spicy notes appear as well. 

      The beer flavours are unique. In the mouth, you will experience a balance of bitterness and fruitiness. A ripe banana taste can be noticed. Malt is another dominant taste. The strong alcohol content gives it roundness and the absence of residual sugars makes the finish hoppy and bitter. 

      De la Senne brewery is known for its quality beers and has created some true gems. Jambe-de-Bois is a unique triple and should not be missed when degustating Belgian beers. 


      Story of Jambe-de-Bois name


      The Senne Brewery gives tribute to the Belgian revolution and more specifically a Belgian soldier Jean-Joseph Charlier with this beer. Jean-Joseph fought in Napoleon’s army and lost his leg. His new wooden leg did not stop him. Later, in 1830, Jean-Joseph was a cannoneer during the Belgian Revolution against the Netherlands. 


      What else can we know about Jambe-de-Bois beer?


      What’s on the Jambe-de-Bois beer label? 

      The beer label is related to the story of the beer name and is dedicated to the Belgian revolution. The illustration shows someone with a wooden leg sitting on a cannon. That would be Jean-Joseph Charlier! The label also used to state “No Dutchman was hurt in the making of this beer,” while now it reads Belgian Revolution Triple. 

      jambe de bois label

      Where is Jambe-de-Bois brewed?

      De la Senne brewery is located in Brussels in the Molenbeek-Saint-Jean area. 


      How to serve Jambe-de-Bois beer?


      The best serving temperature is 8 degrees celsius. It is best to use a tulip-shaped glass that can get the hoppy aromas out. Pour the beer slowly into a glass so it can form a nice foamy head. 


      What are the ingredients of Jambe-de-Bois beer?


      The beer contains barley malt, sugar, hops, yeast and water. 


      How bitter is Jambe-de-Bois beer? 


      It is quite a bitter triple with an IBU of 49. Triple beers' IBU range is usually between 20-45. 


      Is Jambe-de-Bois gluten free?


      No, it is not gluten-free. But we do have a gluten-free beer collection in our catalogue.


      What are some other beers by de la Senne brewery?


      De la Senne is one of the best craft beer breweries in Brussels and has many other great beers to offer. You should also try their Zinnebir, Taras Boulba, Bruxellensis, Saison du Meyboom and Stouterik

      jambe de bois
      Photo: Brasserie de la Senne


      Thirsty for Jambe-de-Bois? Then add the beer to the cart! You can also find this beer in our Brussels beer box or discover it in our monthly beer subscription


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      Beer Brussels Calling 6.5% 24x33cl Senne | IPA
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles
      Brussels Calling is a very balanced "Belgian IPA". The bouquet is intensely exotic and floral. These flavors carry over into the taste, paired with a nice malt base. At the end, the fruity character merges with a long and dry bitterness.
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      Beer Bruxellensis 6.5% 24x33cl Senne | Brett
      Acide Belgique Bio Bouteille Bruxelles
      Bruxellensis is an amber beer with copper reflections, its fruity attack (pineapple, red fruits) is supported by aromas of hops, and complex notes of old leather. A malty touch then develops, with biscuit nuances and a persistent fruity aroma. Its finish is dry and bitter, its character is unique.
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      Beer Tandem 3.8% 24x33cl DrinkDrink | White IPA
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles IPA

      Tandem is a white IPA brewed with rye and Pacific gem, Citra and Chinook hops. Hops and rye contribute to the dry finish of the beer.

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      Beer Zenne Pils 4.9% 24x33cl Senne | Pils
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles
      Zenne Pils is a bottom-fermented, unfiltered and unpasteurized beer. It is also generously hopped with old German noble hop varieties.
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      Beer Saison Van De Bruwer 5.3% 24x33cl Senne | Saison
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles

      Very dry spelled season with the addition of brettanomyces yeast.

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      Beer Bloemekei Ipa 6.5% 24x33cl Belgoo | IPA
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Brabant Flamand en stock

      Round IPA with an intense dry hopping of exotic hops with floral and fruity aromas.

      We perceive notes of lychee, grapefruit or passion fruit.

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      Trotinette 0.4% 24x33cl DrinkDrink | IPA
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles en stock Sans Alcool

      La bière belge Trotinette de la brasserie DrinkDrink est la bière sans alcool du moment. Elle a tout pour plaire. Elle est même certifié bière biologique. La Trotinette est une IPA légère avec un taux d'alcool de 0.4%. Pour les amateurs qui apprècient aussi l'alcool, la brasserie DrinkDrink propose la Bicylcette, la Tandem et la BMX parmi ses bières permanentes.

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      Beer Stouterik 5% 24x33cl Senne | Stout
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Bruxelles Noire

      Stout with roasted aromas and a very balanced bitterness.

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      Beer Brusseleir 8% 24x33cl Senne | Black IPA
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Bruxelles IPA Noire

      La bière Brusseleir de la brasserie de la Senne est une bière noire fortement houblonnée et forte en alcool. On peut la classifier de black IPA à la belge.

      Puissant et complexe , le Brusseleir se distingue par son caractère riche en malt et de notes de chocolat légers. Il a 8 % d’alc.

      On retrouve la black IPA parmi la gamme permanente de la brasserie de la Senne aux côtés de la Taras Boulba et de la Jambes de bois.

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      Beer Saison Du Meyboom 5.5% 24x33cl Senne | Saison
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles
      Poured into a glass, Saison du Meyboom reveals a yellow color with a thick white foam, for aromas of flowers, spices, hops and fruits. On the palate, the attack is lively. It's floral and spicy with hints of pineapple and white pepper under moderate bitterness.
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      Beer Lager 4.8% 24x33cl Mule | Lager
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bruxelles Canette
      German style lager. Light golden yellow beer with a white head. Aroma of fresh, grassy hops, blond malt and hay.
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      Beer Keekebisj 8% 24x33cl Belgoo | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Brabant Flamand
      Dry hopped strong blond beer. A pleasant body with a fruity taste and a subtle bitterness of hops. Hopped with Simcoe and Bavarian Mandarin.
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      Beer Saison Dupont Bio 5.5% 24x33cl Dupont | Saison
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Hainaut

      The famous season with certified organic ingredients.

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      Beer TRPL 8% 24x33cl Jessenhofke | Triple
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Limbourg

      TRP is a triple dry with a herbaceous touch. Elected best amateur beer in the province of Limburg in 2002.

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      Beer Hefe Weisse Naturtrüb 5.4% 24x33cl Mule | Hefeweizen
      Belgique Bio Blanche Bruxelles Canette
      German style golden blond beer. Tastes of sweet banana, wheat malt and phenols. Lightly hoppy, it is a well-balanced beer.
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      Nostradamus Beer 9.1% 24x33cl Caracole | Porter
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Namur Noire
      A dark brown Belgian Dark Ale type beer. There are aromas of mocha, anise and licorice.
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      Beer Wintermess 8% 24x33cl Senne | Noël
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Bruxelles Noire

      Aromas of caramel and chocolate with a creamy mousse and fruity undertones.

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      Beer Saxo 7.7% 24x33cl Caracole | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Namur

      The Saxo is a Golden Ale which has an aromatic but very balanced hopping, it has slightly roasted notes which fade quickly.

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      Amber Caracole Beer 7.9% 24x33cl Caracole | Ambree
      Ambrée Belgique Bio Bouteille Namur
      An amber beer with hopped aromas and notes of orange blossom, mocha, liquorice and ginger. It is still brewed over a wood fire.
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      Beer Kolsch Style 5% 24x33cl Mule | Kölsch
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bruxelles Canette

      Kolsch Style is a very refreshing German style beer.

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      Beer RSVR 10% 24x33cl Jessenhofke | Quadruple
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Limbourg Noire
      This beer was originally designed as a Christmas beer for Café Grendelpoort in Valkenburg. It is recommended to age this beer for at least a year to do full justice to the full and strong taste of this quadruple.
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      Troublette Beer 5.6% 24x33cl Caracole | Blanche
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Namur

      Slightly lemony, it is cloudy as its name suggests.

      Attention this product has a date of preference to consume before which is exceeded.

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      Beer Brwn 7% 24x33cl Jessenhofke | Brune
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Limbourg
      A creamy dark beer made only from special dark barley malts, no pilsner barley malt is used.
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      Beer Saisonneke Bio 4.4% 24x33cl Belgoo | Saison
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Brabant Flamand
      Blonde IPA. Fresh hop notes with a pleasant bitter aftertaste. Richly hopped with bittering Belgian hops and dry hopped with Nelson Sauvin.
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      Beer Magus 6.6% 24x33cl Belgoo | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Brabant Flamand
      Malted blond beer with 4 different cereals. Fruity aromas with creamy notes. Spices added: Curaçao orange peel.
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      Beer Bio Blond 6.4% 24x33cl Belgoo | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Brabant Flamand
      Belgian organic blond beer brewed with a unique combination of 3 different cereals. A lively beer by adding fresh yeast just before bottling.
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      Beer OLAF 9% Jessenhofke | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Limbourg
      OLAF is a strong Belgian blond beer. In short, a Belgian triple.
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      Beer WNTR 6% Jessenhofke | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Limbourg
      WNTR is dark Christmas beer. A winter classic from Belgian brasseries.
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      MAYA Beer 6% Jessenhofke | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Limbourg
      Maya is a classic blond beer to quench all thirsts.
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      Beer RGLR 3.5% Jessenhofke | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Limbourg
      RGLR is an easy-drinking light blond beer.
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      Beer PMPRNL 8% Jessenhofke | Blonde
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Limbourg
      The PMPRNL is an alternative version of the TRPL. It is brewed with the addition of 5 different herbs and organic hops from the Poperinge region. The result is a spicy blond PMPRNL beer with citric and earthy aromas with a long aftertaste.
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      Beer Straight Season 6% 24x33cl Mule | Saison
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bruxelles Canette

      Straight Saison is a very refreshing saison style beer.

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      Beer Luppo 6.5% 24x33cl Belgoo | IPA
      Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Brabant Flamand

      5 different hops make it a fairly bitter beer, easy to drink and very refreshing.

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      Bières Bio

      Les bières bio sont des bières certifiées agriculture biologique et elles ne sont pas toujours facile à trouver. 

      Pour qu'un bière soit bio, il faut que tous ces ingrédients certifiés bios à savoir les céréales, le houblon et la levure.

      Il existe des brasseries récentes qui ont décidé de brasser des bières bios dés le premier jours telles que DrinkDrink par exemple.

      Il existe aussi des brasseries installées qui ont décidé de certifier une partie ou la totalité de leurs bières.

      On retrouve ainsi la brasserie Dupont et la brasserie des Légendes avec la Quintine et la Saison Dupont qui existent en version bio et en version non-bio.

      On est souvent étonné que le bio reste une exception dans le monde de la bière artisanale où le savoir-faire et l'éthique sont valorisées.

      En réalité, la filière des ingrédients brassicoles bios est encore en plein balbutiement et il est très difficile pour les brasseries qui produisent des bières éphémères de se sourcer entièrement en ingrédients bios.

      Find the beers of Bières Bio collection in one of our beer subscriptions