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- AB Inbev
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- Atrium
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- Bellevaux
- Bertinchamps
- Bocq
- Boon
- Bosteels
- Brasserie de la Lienne
- Brasserie de la Senne
- Brasserie des Légendes
- Brasserie des Tchets
- Brasserie du Clocher
- Brussels Beer Project
- Cantillon
- Caracole
- Caulier
- Cazeau
- Chimay
- Chouffe
- Ciney
- Corsendonk
- De Brabandere
- De Koninck
- De Leite
- De Ranke
- Den Herberg
- Dilewyns
- Dochter van de Korenaar
- Dolle Brouwers
- DrinkDrink
- Dubuisson
- Dupont
- Duvel
- Enigma
- Gembloux.BEER
- Glazen Toren
- Grimbergen
- Gruut
- Haacht
- Halve Maan
- Hanssens
- Hedonis
- Het Anker
- Hoegaarden
- Hof ten Dormaal
- Huyghe
- Jandrain-Jandrenouille
- Jessenhofke
- John Martin
- Jupiler
- La Binchoise
- Lambiek Fabriek
- Lefebvre
- Lefebvre
- Leffe
- Leroy
- Lindemans
- Lion
- Lupulus
- Lutgarde
- Marsinne
- Millevertus
- Mobius
- Musketeers
- NovaBirra
- Orval
- Oud Beersel
- Palm
- Rochefort
- Rochehaut
- Rodenbach
- Saint-Monon
- Silly
- Sint-Bernardus
- Siphon
- Stella Artois
- Struise Brouwers
- Tartaruga
- Tilquin
- Timmermans
- Tripick
- Val-Dieu
- ValDuc
- Vandekelder
- Vanuxeem
- Vedett
- Verhaeghe Vichte
- Verstraete
- Verzet
- Viven
- Westmalle
564 products
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Add to my WishlistDark, dry and bitter in line with English dry stout beers.
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Add to my WishlistThe dry-hopping version of the famous season.
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Add to my WishlistTRP is a triple dry with a herbaceous touch. Elected best amateur beer in the province of Limburg in 2002.
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Add to my WishlistA new Raspberry Mint ferment.
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Add to my WishlistCherry beer barreled in oak barrels which gives it a sweeter taste than the Grand Cru.
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Add to my WishlistQuadrupel brewed with coffee beans from Costa Rica.
Best dark beer at the Zythos Beer festival 2014 Leuven and Bronze Award Global Craft Beer Awards Berlin 2014.
Attention this product has a date of preference to consume before which is exceeded.
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Add to my WishlistAmerican Pala Ale with aromas of peach, passion fruit and grapes. The exclusive use of pale ale malt makes this beer a bitter product.
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Add to my WishlistDulle Teve is a swear name used in the region to refer to a boring woman. This was first used by a pub owner who wanted his own beer and tasted two different possibilities in the Oerbar.
His increasingly impatient wife called him. At this point, the pub owner remarked, "Do you know what you are? A dulle teve!" The brewer immediately saw possibilities: "Now we have to make a beer, we already have the name," he said.
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Add to my WishlistNotes of crème caramel and chocolate coffee. In terms of taste, this tasting beer is a true quadruple. The aromas of the roasted malt, the dark color and the big head of foam are more like a porter or a stout, two British styles. A unique beer that every beer lover should taste.
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Add to my WishlistTriple without residual sugars, sweet and not spicy.
Easy to drink but really treacherous with its 10% alcohol.
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Add to my WishlistThe Jeun'homme cuvée is a fairly hoppy blond beer aged in oak barrels. The original beer is heavily hopped with four different varieties and a dry hopping that enhances that bitterness.
Aging for 4 months gives it a tangy taste. The bold bitter acid combination is softened by this aging and is therefore very pleasant to drink.
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Add to my WishlistTriomf is a lightly smoked bitter beer brewed for the centenary of the Gantois Vooruit art center.
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Add to my WishlistPréaris Quadrupel is the beer that launched the career of brewer Andy.
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Add to my WishlistRather focused on sweetness and slightly toasted malt.
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Add to my WishlistCassandra is a complex beer full of flavor. Its bitterness comes from both its coffee-flavored roasted beans as well as the use of earthy European hop cones/ The addition of oyster shells at the end of the boiling process brings out a chocolate-licorice sweetness . The shells are taken to the Siphon restaurant where the oysters were freshly prepared and consumed by visitors earlier on the day of the brew.
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Add to my WishlistLa Surréalise is a white wheat beer with seasonal yeast.
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Add to my WishlistBières Bouteille
Toutes nos bières conditionnées en bouteille se retrouve dans notre collecion "Bière Bouteille". Cette collection permet de séparer les bières conditionnées en canette si vous n'aimez pas ça.
Les bières sont généralement conditionnées en 33cl mais il existe aussi des bières 25cl, des bières 37,5cl et des bières 75cl.
Pour les bières 33cl, il existe le format longneck, le plus connu mais aussi le format steiner plus léger et plus compact.
Un exemple classique de bière format longneck est la Jupiler et la Duvel et la Chouffe sont probablement les 2 exemples les plus connus de bières belges conditionnées dans des bouteilles steiner.
Les bières 37,5cl sont généralement plus épaisses et on un bouchon de liège. Ce format est commun pour les bières spontanées non-pasteurisées dont la fermentation n'est pas totalement interrompue.
Les bières 75cl sont aussi conditionée avec un bouchon de liège et contient habituellement des cuvées spéciales produites en petites quantités.