4 products
Brewery Hedonis
Hedonis is a brewery without being one. You have to understand that brewers are like cooks. Just because they don't have a restaurant doesn't mean they don't cook. It's the same with brewers.
Here the brewer Hedonis prepares his recipes on a small installation at his home. After several tests, the recipe is ready, and it is then that the beer is brewed in larger quantities in a brewery in the region.
The main value of the Hedonis brewery is to brew beers in the Belgian tradition and know-how while including the new English and American brewing currents.
To do this, Hedonis never brews two beers in the same place. He has already brewed at ‘t Verzet, at Contreras and many other craft breweries.
Even if the brewer does not have his brewery, he chooses the place where he brews it according to what he brews. Unique in Belgium.