Fruit beer

1 product

1 product

Liefmans Kriek Brut 6% 24x25cl Duvel | Fruitée
Anvers Belgique Bouteille

Liefmans Kriek Brut est une bière kriek comme on en fait plus.

Au contraire des bières fruitées acides à base de lambic, la Liefmans Kriek Brut est issue du mélange de vieille brune et de Liefmans Goudenban dans lequel des cerises noires macèrent pour donner à la bière sa saveur fruitée légérement acidulée.

La Liefmans Kriek Brut vieillit ensuite 18 mois afin d'intensifier les saveurs qu'elle a à offrir.

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Fruit beer

The color of a beer comes mainly from the grain malts used and their degrees of roasting.

But there is an exception: fruit beers.

Everyone knows krieks, famous cherry beers (syrup, juice, whole fruit) but in the world of craft beer, when you are told that a beer has fruity undertones, it is usually a subtle presence, detectable by the sharpest palates.

These fruity touches come from the hops used or more precisely from the essential oils they contain. Thus, when you detect the presence of apricot in a beer, you recognize the essential oil found in apricots and that you have associated with them.

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