Brewery Boon

3 products

3 products

Beer Geuze Mariage Parfait 8% 12x37cl Boon | Gueuze
Acide Belgique Bouteille Brabant Flamand
This three-year-old Lambic has a very particular taste, including citrus notes (grapefruit, lemon), wood aromas (vanilla, cloves, oak), and phenolic components, which refer to whiskey , are the predominant feature.
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Beer Oude Gueuze 37Cl 7% 12x37cl Boon | Gueuze
Acide Belgique Bouteille Brabant Flamand
Oude Gueuze Boon is the result of the assembly of a medium lambic having undergone an aging of at least 18 months in oak barrels, a young lambic and a three-year old lambic. This assembly gives a beer with an orange-yellow color, with a rich and complex aromatic bouquet. On the nose, it offers delicate aromas of white fruits, citrus fruits, spices, wood and vanilla. This delight continues on the palate where the beer reveals its balanced acidity which enhances the whole.
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Beer Oude Gueuze 25Cl 7% 24x25cl Boon | Gueuze
Acide Belgique Bouteille Brabant Flamand
A beer of traditions, from our region where time plays a major role. It is dominated by acidulous notes, with pretty notes of lemon, grapefruit.
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Brewery Boon

Boon is a family brewery born in the Senne valley. It was created by Frank Boon who bought the Gueuzeries De Vits, which had neither successor nor buyer.

After three years, the brewery was growing at high speed, it was imperative to change location to increase production and storage. In 1982 the brewery was established along the Senne, in the center of Lembeek, not far from Halle, which allowed a serene growth.

Soon after they upgraded the brewhouse to increase output and after the plans were drawn up, work began.

In the early 90s, Frank was able to make the first brew and business picked up.

Over time, the brewery has managed to climb into the best gueuzeries in the region (and in the world too). It even supplies other lambic gueuzeries because it has the capacity to produce a lot of it.

In 2013 they decided again to expand the brewhouse for the same reasons as last time. This work was preceded by the purchase of two other rooms dedicated to barrels to let the lambic rest.

We can speak of a success story for Frank. Starting from almost nothing, it is today one of the major players in the Belgian brewing world.

Today the family succession is ready. The son and the grandsons already work in the brewery, the brewery will not know the same fate as the former owner, Mr De Vits.

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