Advent Calendar 5/24 - Blanche de Namur Beer
Blanche de Namur is probably the best-known Belgian white beer in the world. The beer has won awards in numerous competitions and features prominently in the fridges of the best beer bars around the world.
We find the coriander and orange peel typical of white beers with a touch of acidity that sets it apart. The turpitude of its dress also changes depending on its temperature. Serve chilled and let it warm in the air.
The latest advertising campaign highlights Blanche of Namur (1320-1363), Queen of Sweden and Norway, well known in Sweden for having introduced French culture to Sweden.
Blanche de Namur is produced by the Bocq brewery located in Purnode in Namur. Founded by Martin Belot, farmer, the beers were only brewed in winter as a complementary activity. In the 20th century, the majority of beer production was produced by farm breweries.
The Bocq brewery is known for Blanche de Namur and Gauloises beers, introduced during the 20th century.
After abandoning agricultural activities in 1960, the Bocq brewery is today one of the largest independent family breweries with a production of more than 100 thousand hectoliters.
But it recently changed families because the Flemish family behind the Corsendonk beer brand, brewed for 30 years at the Bocq brewery, recently took over.
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