Brewery Beerstorming

      7 products

      7 products

      Beer Nordic Hopster 5% 24x33cl Beerstorming | Session IPA
      Belgique Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles IPA
      A beer brewed with a good amount of American hops with hints of citrus and grapefruit. Dry, hoppy and lively.
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      Beer Pam'La 6.5% 24x33cl Beerstorming | Blonde
      Belgique Bouteille Bruxelles

      Blonde beer with grapefruit.

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      Beer Gmgk 6% 24x33cl Beerstorming | Blonde
      Belgique Bouteille Bruxelles
      This dry and aromatic blonde beer presents a perfect blend of white tea and kaffir lime. This spice blend gives a little taste of passion fruit that will make you enjoy your day.
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      Beer Wesh' Groseille 7% 24x33cl Beerstorming | Acide
      Belgique Bouteille Bruxelles

      A fruity, tangy, dry and bright red beer

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      Beer Pêche Moi Si Tu Peux 4% 24x33cl Beerstorming | Berliner Weisse
      Acide Belgique Bouteille Bruxelles
      A very fresh and very acid Berliner Weisse with white peach. Juicy, acidic and refreshing.
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      Hop, ik heb het weer gedaan! 7% Beerstorming | IPA
      Belgique Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles
      Bier gehopt met bergamot via een aftreksel van kruidenthee tijdens het brouwen. De spelt- en gezouten karamelmouten geven het een uniek tintje.
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      Pink Pepper 5.7% 24x33cl Beerstorming | Fruity
      Belgique Bouteille Bruxelles Fruitée

      Discover the Belgian Pink Pepper beer from the Beerstorming brewery. Based in Brussels, this creative brewery offers a wide range of beers, all from the amateur brews that take place during the workshops open to the public. As its name suggests, Pink Pepper is peppery. A beer with tea leaves, a touch of raspberry and a few Sichuan peppercorns

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      Brewery Beerstorming

      Beerstorming is a beer-making workshop project where it is possible to brew with friends, colleagues or family. The best beers are brewed at Anders and sold commercially.


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