77 products
This IPA is only dry-hopped with Idaho 7 hops.
Please note the product is in a 44cl can
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Add to my WishlistThis IPA is only dry-hopped with Mosaic hops.
Please note the product is in a 44cl can
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Add to my WishlistJawa IPA is a smooth IPA with fruity, floral and herbal notes.
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Add to my WishlistA new Raspberry Mint ferment.
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Add to my WishlistLa Surréalise is a white wheat beer with seasonal yeast.
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Add to my WishlistAromas of caramel and chocolate with a creamy mousse and fruity undertones.
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Add to my WishlistVery hoppy porter with resinous aromas due to the roasted malts used during the brewing.
This black beer is a pleasant marriage between cereals and hops, it can be drunk as an aperitif, with a meal or with dessert.
It is one of the flagship beers of the Ermitage brewery.
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Add to my WishlistLa bière belge La Saint Guidon de la brasserie Bieres de Quartier est une Triple à 8%. Brassée en honneur du quartier anderlechtois du même nom, les habitants peuvent se délecter de cette délicieuse bière triple dans les cafés populaires du quartier.
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Add to my WishlistWe taste the cereals well, little bitterness.
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Add to my WishlistKolsch Style is a very refreshing German style beer.
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Add to my WishlistA lightly hoppy red beer with a touch of coriander and bergamot.
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Add to my WishlistIt is a ginger beer, natural and refreshing. The ingredients are organic and expertly selected to create this spicy yet balanced beer.
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Add to my WishlistAromas of rum, whiskey, vanilla and coffee
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Add to my WishlistDiscover the Belgian Pink Pepper beer from the Beerstorming brewery. Based in Brussels, this creative brewery offers a wide range of beers, all from the amateur brews that take place during the workshops open to the public. As its name suggests, Pink Pepper is peppery. A beer with tea leaves, a touch of raspberry and a few Sichuan peppercorns
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Add to my WishlistLa bière belge Berliner Weisse de la brasserie de la Mule est une bière légère et rafraîchissante avec un taux d'alcool de 3.5%. La brasserie Mule, située dans la région de Bruxelles, est connue pour ses bières artisanales rock aux inspirations allemande. Perso, on adora le côté acidulé de la Berliner Weisse.
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Add to my WishlistStraight Saison is a very refreshing saison style beer.
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Add to my WishlistA new Raspberry Mint ferment.
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