Black IPA beer

      2 products

      2 products

      Beer Brusseleir 8% 24x33cl Senne | Black IPA
      Belgique Bio Bouteille Bruxelles IPA Noire
      Het Brusseleirbier van brouwerij Zenne is een sterk hoppig donker bier met een hoog alcoholgehalte. Het kan worden ingedeeld van zwarte IPA tot Belgisch.

      Krachtig en complex, Brusseleir onderscheidt zich door zijn rijke moutkarakter en lichte chocoladetonen. Het heeft 8% alc.

      De zwarte IPA vinden we terug in het vaste assortiment van brouwerij Zenne naast de Taras Boulba en de Jambes de bois.
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      Beer Troubadour Westkust 8.5% 24x33cl Musketeers | Black IPA
      Belgique Bouteille Flandre Occidentale Noire

      Hopped beer, toasted with touches of coffee, chocolate and vanilla.

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      Black IPA beer

      The black IPA is a style born from a brewing exercise. In England, apprentice brewers were often subjected to exercises of this kind during their training.

      The goal is to create a dark beer but with the same characteristics as an India Pale Ale (bitter and aromatic). The success of this exercise is simple if during the blind test the consumer believes that it is an IPA, then the goal is achieved. Though, it is not written that it was indeed this way that the teachers evaluated their apprentices.

      To best resplicate the style, it is necessary to find the balance in the mixture of different cereals used. You need roasted malts because the aromas of roasted malts release very dominant flavours which will not allow the hops to express themselves unless you overuse the hops, but then the risk of a 'hop burn' aftertaste is very likely (the hop taste becomes sickening)

      Today, black Indian Pale Ale beers do not necessarily follow this rule, but the style has evolved considerably in different currents. Some beers are more aromatic and others have toasted cereal which creates more body. The trend of black IPA beers is present and growing.

      As with human beings, you should never, ever judge by color. This style is here to remind us that! This type of beer should also attract lovers of bitter beers such as IPA, session IPA, double IPA and triple IPA.
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