Bières Bio

8 products

8 products

Beer Taras Boulba 4.5% 24x33cl Senne | Session IPA
Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles en stock IPA

Taras Boulba is a light lager, generously hopped with the finest aromatic hops, giving it a very refreshing character and a fragrance reminiscent of citrus. The nose offers delicate aromas of spices, malt, hops and lemon. You can even smell slight notes of cookies, caramel and a bit of vanilla. Taras Boulba has a blonde colour with white foam. In the mouth, you can feel the bitterness present. You can also taste notes of caramel and lemon. It is a beer full of character but also thirst-quenching and refreshing. The finale of the beer is dry. 

Though Taras Boulba has now become many people's favourite beer, it had a rough start. First, Taras Boulba beer was created only for the brewers and their friends. The brewers claimed that they were only drinking their other famous beer, the Zinnebir, and they needed something lighter. Thus, Taras Boulba was born. After only drinking it by themselves, the brewers decided to start selling Taras Boulba locally. The problem was that the bitter beers had not yet made their name in Belgium. Only De Ranke brewery, whose niche is bitter beers, was in the market. The brewers had to fight hard and talk a lot with local beer bars and pubs to get their beer out. Finally, their beer has not only become popular locally but also internationally. 

Like Taras Boulba, all the beers of brewery de la Senne are brewed in a traditional way: unfiltered, unpasteurized and without additives.

Taras Boulba is also the favourite beer of Beercrush creator Florian. 


History and origin of the Taras Boulba beer name. 


The name Taras Boulba refers to a novel written by Nikolai Gogol. The novel is the story of Taras Boulba, who goes with his two sons to war against the Polish. One of the sons is in love with a Polish girl. The son helps the girl get some food during the war. Once Taras finds out about this, he kills his son. The brewers use this as a reference to the struggle between Flemings and Walloons in Belgium. 


Want to know more about Taras Boulba beer? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions answered:


  • What does the Taras Boulba beer label mean?

The Taras Boulba beer label is also related to the novel by Nikolai Gogol. On the label, you can see two men in front of a circus. A father and a son. The father is angry and holding a big barrel above his head, ready to throw it at his son while yelling "Smeirlap!". There is a comment on the label in the Brussels dialect. The comment states: "Behold, Taras Boulba is furiously angry. His son has married a Walloon!" The label is an interpretation of the novel, but with a Belgian twist reflecting the complicated relationship between Walloons and Flemings. 

taras boulba biere

  • Where is Taras Boulba beer brewed?

Brewery de la Senne is located in Brussels near Tour & Taxis between Laeken and Molenbeek neighbourhood. Tour & Taxis is an old industrial site made up mostly of warehouses that now has been turned into a cultural site. Brewery de la Senne has their brewing spot and a bar there. You are always welcome to degustate their beers.

  • What are the ingredients of Taras Boulba beer?

Taras Boulba is made of water, malted barley, noble hops, yeast and fermentable sugar. 

  • How to serve Taras Boulba beer?

It is best to use a tulip-shaped beer glass for serving Taras Boulba beer. The tulip-shaped glass is perfect for IPA beers or hoppy beers as it allows the drinker to swirl the beer around the glass and release the full aromas. The ideal serving temperature is 5 degrees celsius. 

  • What are other similar beers to Taras Boulba?

If you like hoppy beers, you should see our IPA beer collection. 

  • Is Taras Boulba gluten-free?

No, Taras Boulba is not gluten-free. You can find a large variety of gluten-free beers available from brasserie 28

  • What are some other beers brewed by la Senne brewery?

Some other famous craft beers by the Senne brewery are Zinnebir, Bruxellensis, Jambe de Bois, Stouterik and Saison du Meyboom, among many others.

taras boulba

Photo : brasserie de la Senne.


Want to buy Taras Boulba beer online? All you need to do is add the beer to the cart! You may also find Taras Boulba in our Belgian or Brussels beer boxes or in our monthly beer subscription boxes. 

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Beer Bmx Ipa 7.2% 24x33cl DrinkDrink | IPA
Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles

BMX IPA is brewed with Pacific gem, Citra and Chinook hops.

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Beer Brussels Calling 6.5% 24x33cl Senne | IPA
Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles
Brussels Calling is a very balanced "Belgian IPA". The bouquet is intensely exotic and floral. These flavors carry over into the taste, paired with a nice malt base. At the end, the fruity character merges with a long and dry bitterness.
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Beer Tandem 3.8% 24x33cl DrinkDrink | White IPA
Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles IPA

Tandem is a white IPA brewed with rye and Pacific gem, Citra and Chinook hops. Hops and rye contribute to the dry finish of the beer.

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Beer Bloemekei Ipa 6.5% 24x33cl Belgoo | IPA
Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Brabant Flamand en stock

Round IPA with an intense dry hopping of exotic hops with floral and fruity aromas.

We perceive notes of lychee, grapefruit or passion fruit.

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Scooter 0,4% DrinkDrink | IPA
Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Bruxelles en stock Sans Alcool

La bière belge Trotinette de la brasserie DrinkDrink est la bière sans alcool du moment. Elle a tout pour plaire. Elle est même certifié bière biologique. La Trotinette est une IPA légère avec un taux d'alcool de 0.4%. Pour les amateurs qui apprècient aussi l'alcool, la brasserie DrinkDrink propose la Bicylcette, la Tandem et la BMX parmi ses bières permanentes.

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Beer Brusseleir 8% 24x33cl Senne | Black IPA
Belgique Bio Bouteille Bruxelles IPA Noire
Het Brusseleirbier van brouwerij Zenne is een sterk hoppig donker bier met een hoog alcoholgehalte. Het kan worden ingedeeld van zwarte IPA tot Belgisch.

Krachtig en complex, Brusseleir onderscheidt zich door zijn rijke moutkarakter en lichte chocoladetonen. Het heeft 8% alc.

De zwarte IPA vinden we terug in het vaste assortiment van brouwerij Zenne naast de Taras Boulba en de Jambes de bois.
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Beer Luppo 6.5% 24x33cl Belgoo | IPA
Belgique Bio Blonde Bouteille Brabant Flamand

5 different hops make it a fairly bitter beer, easy to drink and very refreshing.

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Bières Bio

Les bières bio sont des bières certifiées agriculture biologique et elles ne sont pas toujours facile à trouver. 

Pour qu'un bière soit bio, il faut que tous ces ingrédients certifiés bios à savoir les céréales, le houblon et la levure.

Il existe des brasseries récentes qui ont décidé de brasser des bières bios dés le premier jours telles que DrinkDrink par exemple.

Il existe aussi des brasseries installées qui ont décidé de certifier une partie ou la totalité de leurs bières.

On retrouve ainsi la brasserie Dupont et la brasserie des Légendes avec la Quintine et la Saison Dupont qui existent en version bio et en version non-bio.

On est souvent étonné que le bio reste une exception dans le monde de la bière artisanale où le savoir-faire et l'éthique sont valorisées.

En réalité, la filière des ingrédients brassicoles bios est encore en plein balbutiement et il est très difficile pour les brasseries qui produisent des bières éphémères de se sourcer entièrement en ingrédients bios.

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