Advent Letter 2/24 - Witkap Stimulo
Hello Hello,
For this evening, we are discovering a little-known beer, Witkap Stimulo from the family brewery Slagmuylder.
Located in Ninove on the former grounds of the Saint-Cornelius and Saint-Cyprian Abbeys, the brewery is today known for beers from the Witkap range.
Witkap refers to the monks' white caps.
So, this evening we're drinking an abbey beer in a thirst beer variation. We find the slightly yeasty and round side of abbey beers but this one is much easier to drink than classic abbey beers.
The Slagmuylder brewery has been managed by the same family for 6 generations. It is one of the family breweries that survived the wave of mergers and acquisitions of the 20th century which saw hundreds of beer brands disappear in favor of large industrial brands.
Cheers and see you tomorrow,
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