- AB Inbev
- Achel
- Affligem
- Alken Maes
- Alvinne
- Arogante
- Atrium
- Beerstorming
- Belgoo
- Bellevaux
- Bertinchamps
- Boon
- Bosteels
- Brasserie de la Lienne
- Brasserie de la Senne
- Brasserie des Légendes
- Brussels Beer Project
- Caracole
- Caulier
- Cazeau
- Chimay
- Chouffe
- Corsendonk
- De Brabandere
- De Koninck
- De Leite
- De Ranke
- Dilewyns
- Dochter van de Korenaar
- Dolle Brouwers
- DrinkDrink
- Dubuisson
- Dupont
- Duvel
- Enigma
- Gembloux.BEER
- Gruut
- Haacht
- Halve Maan
- Hedonis
- Het Anker
- Hoegaarden
- Hof ten Dormaal
- Huyghe
- Jandrain-Jandrenouille
- Jessenhofke
- John Martin
- La Binchoise
- Lefebvre
- Lefebvre
- Leffe
- Leroy
- Lupulus
- Millevertus
- Mobius
- Musketeers
- NovaBirra
- Oud Beersel
- Palm
- Rochefort
- Rochehaut
- Saint-Monon
- Silly
- Sint-Bernardus
- Siphon
- Struise Brouwers
- Tartaruga
- Tilquin
- Val-Dieu
- ValDuc
- Vanuxeem
- Verstraete
- Verzet
- Viven
- Westmalle
- AB Inbev
- Achel
- Affligem
- Alken Maes
- Alvinne
- Arogante
- Atrium
- Beerstorming
- Belgoo
- Bellevaux
- Bertinchamps
- Boon
- Bosteels
- Brasserie de la Lienne
- Brasserie de la Senne
- Brasserie des Légendes
- Brussels Beer Project
- Caracole
- Caulier
- Cazeau
- Chimay
- Chouffe
- Corsendonk
- De Brabandere
- De Koninck
- De Leite
- De Ranke
- Dilewyns
- Dochter van de Korenaar
- Dolle Brouwers
- DrinkDrink
- Dubuisson
- Dupont
- Duvel
- Enigma
- Gembloux.BEER
- Gruut
- Haacht
- Halve Maan
- Hedonis
- Het Anker
- Hoegaarden
- Hof ten Dormaal
- Huyghe
- Jandrain-Jandrenouille
- Jessenhofke
- John Martin
- La Binchoise
- Lefebvre
- Lefebvre
- Leffe
- Leroy
- Lupulus
- Millevertus
- Mobius
- Musketeers
- NovaBirra
- Oud Beersel
- Palm
- Rochefort
- Rochehaut
- Saint-Monon
- Silly
- Sint-Bernardus
- Siphon
- Struise Brouwers
- Tartaruga
- Tilquin
- Val-Dieu
- ValDuc
- Vanuxeem
- Verstraete
- Verzet
- Viven
- Westmalle
239 products
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Add to my WishlistPréaris Quadrupel is the beer that launched the career of brewer Andy.
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Add to my WishlistRather focused on sweetness and slightly toasted malt.
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Add to my WishlistCassandra is a complex beer full of flavor. Its bitterness comes from both its coffee-flavored roasted beans as well as the use of earthy European hop cones/ The addition of oyster shells at the end of the boiling process brings out a chocolate-licorice sweetness . The shells are taken to the Siphon restaurant where the oysters were freshly prepared and consumed by visitors earlier on the day of the brew.
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Add to my WishlistAmerican Pala Ale with aromas of peach, passion fruit and grapes. The exclusive use of pale ale malt makes this beer a bitter product.
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Add to my WishlistDécouvrez la bière belge Straffe Hendrik Xmas de la brasserie Halve Maan. La Straffe Hendrik Xmas est la version en bière de Noël de la Straffe Hendrik qui existent aussi en triple et en quadrupel. La Straffe Henrik Xmas a un taux d'alcool de 11%.
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Add to my WishlistQuadruple sweet and spicy.
Its very dense brown foam requires a large glass to be able to enjoy it.
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Add to my WishlistBlack beer with maple syrup.
The addition of maple syrup in the beer only enhances this spicy sensation.
The taste is quite mild and the cereal reveals itself completely in this avalanche of flavors.
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Add to my WishlistHopped beer, toasted with touches of coffee, chocolate and vanilla.
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Add to my WishlistLess spicy but easier to drink than other Rocheforts. The spicy aromas are therefore more noticeable.
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Add to my WishlistAromas of caramel and chocolate with a creamy mousse and fruity undertones.
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Add to my WishlistThe Saxo is a Golden Ale which has an aromatic but very balanced hopping, it has slightly roasted notes which fade quickly.
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Add to my WishlistCurtius is a 7% blond beer combining malt and hop processing. Brewed in the heart of Liège, it is slightly bitter but not excessive.
This is the first beer brewed by Brewery C, making it their flagship in the range.
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Add to my WishlistIts pronounced taste comes from the different roasted and roasted malts that make it up.
The beer is well balanced between sweetness and bitterness, it is ideal for desserts or late winter evenings near the fire.
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Add to my WishlistLa Duvel Triple Hop Citra est la grande gagnante de la série Duvel Triple Hop. Tellement populaire que cette bière temporaire est désormais disponible toute l'année. Le houblon Citra apporte à la Duvel des notes tropicales de pamplemousse en plus d'une amertume plus franche que d'habitude.
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Add to my WishlistLa bière belge La Saint Guidon de la brasserie Bieres de Quartier est une Triple à 8%. Brassée en honneur du quartier anderlechtois du même nom, les habitants peuvent se délecter de cette délicieuse bière triple dans les cafés populaires du quartier.
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Add to my WishlistLa bière belge Hops I Did It Again ! de la brasserie Beerstorming est une IPA avec un taux d'alcool de 7%. La brasserie, située à Saint-Gilles, est connue pour ses bières telles que la Nordic Hopster, la GMGK et surtout ses ateliers de brassage en groupe que vous soyez amis, collègues ou cousins.Bière houblonée à la bergamote via une infusion de tisane lors du brassage. Les malts d'épeautre et de caramel salé lui donne une petite touche unique.
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Add to my WishlistImperial Stout matured in barrels of Ardbeg and Ardmore Whiskey (2019 edition). The specificity of this beer is that they add a little oud bruin, which gives a slight tangy taste.
Complete and complex, this beer will awaken your taste buds, it is ideal at the end of a meal or just like that for the most experienced.
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Add to my WishlistWoody and lemony notes, it is slightly spicy.
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Add to my WishlistOne of the best classic Belgian stouts.
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Add to my WishlistHopped abbey triple.
It is part of the classic triples with good headiness, it is balanced between cereal and hops.
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Add to my WishlistSlightly flowery and fruity, it is brewed with hops from the region
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Add to my WishlistAbbey triple with fruity and spicy notes and a bitter finish.
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Add to my WishlistAmerican-inspired amber beer in homage to the famous Antwerp Red Star Line
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Add to my WishlistLa bière belge Cornet Smoked de la brasserie Palm est une bière fumée avec un taux d'alcool de 8.5%. La brasserie Palm, située en Belgique, est connue pour ses bières telles que Rodenbach et Brugge Tripel.
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Add to my WishlistLa bière belge Hoegaarden Grand Cru, brassée par Hoegaarden, est une blanche de 8.5%. La brasserie, située en Belgique, est connue pour ses bières emblématiques telles que la Hoegaarden Blanche et la Hoegaarden Rosée. La Grand Cru est une version non-filtrée, plus travaillée et beaucoup plus goûtue que la Hoegaarden classique.
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Add to my WishlistLa bière belge Hapkin de la brasserie Alken Maes est une blonde de 8.5%. La brasserie, située en Belgique, est connue pour ses bières telles que Cristal, Maes et Grimbergen. Hapkin est une bière blonde de caractère, idéale pour les amateurs de bières fortes.
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