Brewery Glazen Toren

      1 product

      1 product

      Beer Saison D'Erpe 6.5% 12x33cl Glazen Toren | Saison
      Belgique Blonde Bouteille Flandre Occidentale
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      Brewery Glazen Toren

      The Glazen Toren brewery (glass tower in Dutch) is a project led by two master brewers from the Ghent region. Already well formed, the two friends launched the Saison d'Erpe-Mère, which is still their flagship beer today. She won several awards, especially internationally.

      This success meant that the Glazen Toren brewery located in Erpe-Mère became too small. As a result, the two master brewers buy a hangar in Aalst where they produce all their beers except the saison, which is still brewed in their first historic facility.

      The majority of the production of the Glazen Toren brewery goes abroad. This represents 80% which goes to the United States, Italy or Japan.

      The brewery has managed to make itself known and to acquire a monstrous reputation in the world of beer, mainly abroad.

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