3 products
Brewery 3 Fountains
3 Fonteinen is the gueuzerie with the most prestige.
One day, Armand (the former owner) said to me: "the gueuziers are pain in the ass". Surprised, I replied that suddenly it concerned him too! And the response was even more scathing; "no but I don't have to be like that... they all say I'm the best!" »
The tone was set. As pretentious as this remark might be, there is some truth to it. The gueuzes made by 3 Fonteinen are particularly fine and subtle. Balance being a habit throughout their range.
Recently, Armand gave way to two gueuze enthusiasts who perpetuate what he has been doing for years. The know-how of this brewery is well established. Some criticize the exorbitant prices of certain products and it is true that they are not known to be cheap, but the result is there. It's a controlled burst of flavor that fills your mouth with every sip.
If you only had to drink one gueuze in your life, I wouldn't recommend 3 Fonteinen because several other gueuziers offer products that are more accessible in terms of taste and price, but if you like this style, this is the brasserie to discover.
Located in Lot (on the entity of Beersel), the brewery is in fact only a storage place for barrels. The precious liquid being brewed in the very village of Beersel.
Furthermore, Beersel is the city with the most gueuziers; 3 Fonteinen, Oud Beersel and Hanssens.